15 December 2021

They are the digital Frankenstein’s monsters of our age – created, sentient machines who have consciousness, emotions, self-awareness and free will. They are often in our movies and TV shows: Gort, HAL, Data, Terminator, Wall-E, Iron Giant, to name a famous few. However, are sentient machines even possible? Alan Turing famously invented the ‘Imitation Game’,…

3 December 2021

Last month I was in California and met with a men’s book club, who had just finished Pelagia. It was a great discussion, and I was grateful and encouraged by the feedback they gave me. Afterwards one wrote me and asked if there were maps that showed the different places and scenes in the book….

2 October 2021

The love affair between humans and dolphins has gone on for millennia, reaching back even into ancient legends. Countless stories recount how dolphins come to rescue people in danger (they even save other species like whales). Fishermen have been known to develop relationships with dolphins, seeking their assistance herding fish in exchange for a portion…

23 September 2021

On average, households pay 12-18% of their income for energy like electricity, gas, fuel for cars, etc. The percentage is much higher if we factor in the energy cost of producing food and the many goods and services we use. And, of course, nations struggle – even wage war – for access to energy for…