3 January 2022

I live in England and lead a local chapter of the Society of Authors. A few months ago, I offered a free copy of my book, Pelagia, to my fellow authors that if they would consider reviewing it – should they like it. Several took me up on it and have published reviews. I am…

15 December 2021

They are the digital Frankenstein’s monsters of our age – created, sentient machines who have consciousness, emotions, self-awareness and free will. They are often in our movies and TV shows: Gort, HAL, Data, Terminator, Wall-E, Iron Giant, to name a famous few. However, are sentient machines even possible? Alan Turing famously invented the ‘Imitation Game’,…

11 July 2021

Once upon a time… Where does a story begin? Tolkien famously reported that a sentence flashed through his mind: “In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit.” This line became a doorway which he — and subsequently his many readers – stepped through to discover and grow to love Middle Earth and Elder…

27 June 2021

A Book and it’s Cover Don’t judge a book by its cover. A wise proverb, often applied to people more these days than books. When it was coined in the mid 1800s, book covers were plain – often merely the title. Today, however, the front of a book is carefully designed to signal it’s genre…